Annual Volunteer Recognition

Betty Linscott Society

The Betty Linscott Society was established in 1994 to honor the memory of Betty Linscott, in recognition of her volunteer service and generous bequest to this agency. Each year, those who are named Outstanding Volunteers are welcomed membership in the Betty Linscott Society. Outstanding volunteers are chosen because of the quality, quantity, and impact of their volunteer service.

Betty Linscott’s commitment to her community, dedicated service, and generosity of spirit inspire future generations of volunteers.

Betty Linscott Society Inductees and Volunteers


Volunteers Slide Show

Annual Donor Recognition

Helen Norwood-Margaret Council Society

Helen Norwood and Margaret Council have a common bond through their good works not just with the Council of Social Concern but with other local causes in our community. They will always be remembered and recognized as extraordinary missionaries because of their civic responsibility. This society honors all major donors that contribute $1,000 or more a year in order to assist our neighbors in need.

Click here to see our donors.


Gifts of Goodwill Society

This society honors all donors who give non-monetary gifts or services valued at $1,000 or more annually. It also recognizes financial donations of less than $1,000 combined with non-monetary gifts and/or services for a total gift equaling $1,000 or more annually.

Click here to see our donors.

Gifts of Good Will Society FY2020